Test: What about your Intel Core 2 Quad? – Gaming Performance HD 7970

Here we go, a lot of people asked me to test an Intel Core 2 Quad under recent 3D games with an HD 7970 so here is what I did. Like for the Core2Duo test we published last week, I chose the most popular processor which in this case is the Intel C2Q Q6600. However this time we did not simply test it at stock frequency, we overclocked it to 3.0 GHz. Why 3.0 GHz only one would ask, well that way I was able to use exactly the same BIOS settings I did use for the C2D E8400. Just kidding, the main reason is that to run this processor fully stable at 3.0 GHz you don’t need any voltage increase and you can use a default bus speed which is 333 MHz FSB in this case. Enough talking, let’s see how the Core2Quad Q6600 clocked at 3 GHz will perform against today’s processors like the i7 3770K and FX-8150 under heavy 3D workloads conditions such as Benchmarks and recent Games with highest graphics settings possible at a resolution of 1920×1080. Let’s get it started!